• An overview of existing consignment notes is created in the mobile application and is in a condition that allows them to be submitted. For each consignment note, the basic identification data are displayed, e.g. consignee or station of destination. The user of the mobile application has the option to complete the agreed wagon data for the selected consignment note, such as:
- full wagon number
- the total weight of the goods loaded on the wagon.
• When working with a selected consignment note, some basic identification data is still displayed to make it clear to which consignment note the data is added. After completing all the required data, the user is allowed to send the consignment note data to the customer portal, where they will be further processed.
• In the case of a missing bill of lading detected in the mobile application (and thus also on the customer portal), the possibility of creating a new bill of lading from the template directly in the mobile application is created. To meet this requirement, it is possible to display templates created on the customer portal, which are primarily represented by their name in the mobile application. For each template, the system also displays basic identification data, similar to waybills. By selecting and confirming the creation of a consignment note from a specific template, the user creates a new consignment note directly in the mobile application. The consignment note created in this way will also be displayed in the consignment note overview in the mobile application and it is permitted to update it by adding the agreed data.
• The system incorporates support for quickly finding a waybill in a list of replicated waybills on a mobile application. It is possible to search for a consignment note, for example, on the basis of the full wagon number, resp. its parts.