YouCallMD is a comprehensive medical answering service with workflows that fully automate communications or have communications tracked and followed up on by a live patient communication specialist. YouCallMD has you covered with a HIPAA compliant application for Android. Our COMS (Cognitive On-call Messaging System) technology is fully integrated with the YouCallMD scheduling system and can be customized to fit your practice workflows. YouCallMD clients are Acute / Post Acute / SNF facilities, as well as Hospitalist groups, Specialty groups, and PCP's. We excel over our competition by integrating the networks of facilities and physicians to streamline, secure, and expedite patient care communications. For more information regarding YouCallMD services, please contact
[email protected] or toll free: (800) 909-9263.
• NEW PCPLink (Registration, Admission, and Discharge notifications)
• Clinical Messaging
• Outpatient Triage
• Secure Chat
• Provider Scheduling
• Patient Census Management
• Network with YouCallMD Subscribers
• Real-Time alerts via YouCallMD Bulletins