YeArt - DAB Gallery (NOLOVR) APP
YeArt is a growing Unity-based toolkit for displaying content in mobile VR. Currently designed specifically for use with the NOLO VR, this demonstration gallery shows a few of the interactions already available between the NOLO's SDK and our custom scripts to work with the tracked motion controllers.
All paintings in this demonstration app are provided by the original painter, D Bigelow, who can be found on his Facebook page of the same name.
Left or right grip and rotate controller - Rotate
Left or right touch pad - Teleport arc
Left trigger - Reverse
Right trigger - Forward
The YeArt team:
Daven Bigelow
Dominik Kaukinen
Eduardo Soto
Sounds and 3D models are purchased or royalty free assets from and the Unity3D Asset Store respectively.
This app should work with any phone and Cardboard VR headset that already works with other NOLO-specifc content!