WebTunnel APP
WebTunnel is a powerful HTTP tunneling tool which helps you to protect your online privacy where your local Network Administrator allows you to
Access outside network via HTTP Proxy only.
WebTunnel : How it works
Its inbuilt Tunneling module carries your data over HTTP Tunnel hence you can get complete protection.
It Supports following Tunneling methods
HTTP Normal Half Duplex Tunnel.
HTTP Non- Persistent Half Duplex Tunnel using GET method
HTTP Half Duplex Tunnel using GET method.
HTTP Half Duplex Tunnel using POST method.
HTTP Full Duplex Tunnel using POST method.
HTTP Full Duplex Tunnel using MIME method.
Full Duplex Tunnel using SSL method.
WebTunnel Features
> No speed limitation.
> HTTP Tunnel Server locations in over 15 countries.
> All HTTP Tunnel Servers are deployed in 1 Gbps network.
> A simple and easy to use HTTP Tunneling tool for your phone and tablet.
How to use WebTunnel
Please check above screenshots. For more help contact WebTunnel Support: [email protected]