High quality collection of walrus sounds & ringtone

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Nov 27, 2024
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Walrus Sounds APP

When you think about walruses, you’re probably picturing goofy, bloated mammals that laze about on ice floes in the Arctic. But have you ever heard one or imagined what one sounds like? If you haven’t, you’re in for quite the surprise! Where walruses thrive, these massive marine mammals are keystone species. This means their abundance dictates the health of the arctic ecosystems. Without walruses, the Arctic would unravel at the seams, and with climate change in progress, this is unfortunately already underway.

Walruses are most noted for their large canine tusks. In fact, their scientific name means “tooth-walker” since walruses sometimes use their large tusks to help them move around. They have small heads that sit upon large bodies. The sounds produced by walruses are most often heard in association with mating. Males make underwater vocalizations that sound like taps, knock, pulses, and bell-like sounds.
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