VPA An Easy Way To Promote Brand and Internal Marketing Solution

Latest Version

Feb 14, 2025
Google Play ID

App APKs


Experience the newly updated FORTUNE MFS app available on android app store. Fortune MFS display the all promoter and suitable products. Fortune MFS is developed to manage internal process of marketing product.

App Work Flow:

Admin Flow

The first user downloads the app from android app store. Please note when you download the app then after you must to login into the app and login credentials provided by the admin. After login ADMIN see the dashboard screen that displays the details about Total posts, Total check in post, and Total check out post, Total T-shirt post or Total stock update post.
The new other feature we added is user or admin also able to see the statistic of city, promoter, and products. Here user is able to total no of city, promoters and products available. Here admin also able to see the total details about post updates. Also admin can track the promoter location.

User Flow

First user must be login into app after login user is able to user all the functionality of the app. The other flow of the app is user flow for making a post first select the in time selfie option than upload the main photo of a post. Than user select the post type. Here you have to select which type of post you want to add. For example in time selfie, T shirt selfie, stock update, out time selfie, etc. The third option is user have to select the product type and another is description. Here user can describe their post.


Mohit is the admin in Ahmedabad city. Mayank and Mirali is promoter and work under the Mohit and those both manage the different malls or market. Per week Mayank visit the different malls and post the updates about products stock or any other issues. The interesting thing about this app is mohit is able to track mayank and mirali location.
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