VaxCertPH COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate Verifier App.

Latest Version

Feb 18, 2022

App APKs


This is the official application for verifying the VaxCertPH COVID-19 digital vaccination certificate issued by the Department of Health of the Republic of the Philippines. It is developed by the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT).

How the app works
• Click on “Scan” button
• Point the camera to the QR code found on the upper left portion of the certificate issued and scan
• Please keep the following points in mind while scanning the QR code
o QR code should cover at-least 70%-80% of screen Complete QR code should be part of camera frame
o QR code should be parallel to the camera - Camera should be held steadily for at-least 5 sec
o The red line should be at the middle of the QR code
• For scanning QR codes on paper, please ensure to place the QR code under proper lighting so that the scanner can read it easily

Upon successful scanning of the QR code, a screen will display showing it has been verified. It will also display the full name, date of birth, gender, dose number of last vaccination, date of last vaccination, vaccine brand and vaccine manufacturer.

If the QR code is not valid, the screen will display “Invalid Certificate”
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