The Youth Activism App. A free hub and social network for activism.

Latest Version

Mar 4, 2024
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TurnUp Activism APP

As a free hub and social network for activism, TurnUp is the fastest way to get involved with the issues and causes you care about. Be a force for change by joining our community.

» Never miss an event!

Find events from across the progressive movement in one easy-to-use location. Filter, sort, and post your own events. No need to scour the internet to find ways to get involved. You can discover user and group-organized events in your community, and join your friends at the events on their calendar. You can find events by location or by your interests in social justice. You’ll earn Impact Points for attending and sharing events.

» Get Social!

Fill your feed with issues, events, people, resources, and organizations that you care about. See what your friends and your selected organizations have been doing. Find and share events, digital activism opportunities, and post like you would on other social media platforms.

» The tools for social change, all in your pocket!

Access this hub of resources and websites right at your fingertips. Register to vote, learn about progressive issues, and refine your activism skills. We’ve compiled pre-existing resources for young activists all into one place. No need to search dozens of websites to learn about particular issues or how to organize a protest. You’ll be able to access it all in one, easy to use location.

» Track the impact of your activism!

See the difference you’re making as your Impact Score increases with each act of activism both online and offline! Your hard work won’t go unnoticed. When you TurnUp your activism by downloading TurnUp, posting your ideas, or attending events, you’ll earn Impact Points that show you just how effective your activism has been. Earn badges along the way that celebrate your achievements.

» Connect for Change!

Making the world a better place together, TurnUp helps anyone make meaningful change by encouraging collaboration among all activists for maximum impact. Direct and group messaging within the app allows for instant communication, feedback, and advice among all activists and all groups. Follow your friends and social justice organizations to discover events and content, and connect with other activists. Use this platform, geared for social change to Turn Up your activism.

» Streamlining Voting and Civic Engagement!

Register to vote, request your ballot, and access civic engagement resources - all in one place.

Additional Information:

Contact Support: [email protected] or

Age Rating: 13+

Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions:

© 2020 Turnout Activism Inc.
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