Formal implementation of the Security Department of the Basque Government.

Latest Version

Sep 4, 2023
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Formal implementation of Security Department of the Basque Government.

With it you will have access to all relevant information on the state of the roads in Euskadi: incidents, roadworks, radar, traffic cameras, access to capital, state of the mountain passes, restrictions on movement, news, etc. All information is updated in real time from computer systems Security Department of the Basque Government. Besides various links to information of interest and rapid officers and emergency phone traffic information access are offered.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Segurtasun Saileko Aplikazio ofiziala.

Honen Bidez Euskadiko errepideen egoerari garrantzizko buruzko informazioa eskuragarri duzu izango: gertakariak, lanak, radarrak, Trafiko-kamerak, hiriburuetako sarbideak, egoera mendateen, zirkulazio-murrizketak, albisteak, ea Informazio guztia Eusko Jaurlaritzako Segurtasun Saileko informatika-sistemen Bidez eguneratzen gives unetik-unera. Gainera informazio lortzeko probetxugarria zenbait ESTEKA interesgarri ere eskeintzen dira, larrialdietarako Trafiko-informaziorako nahiz Harreman azkarreko phone ofizialez gain.
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