Toldot siddur APP
Conveniently laid out siddur with short explanations on the order of prayers. Includes complete weekday prayers, prayers for the new month, fast days (except kinnos for Tishah b`Av, Chanukah, Purim and Chol Hamoed Pesach and Succos (except Hoshanah Rabbah) in Russian and Hebrew (Nusach Ashkenaz). The siddur also includes a transliteration of the Mourner`s Kaddish, Birkas Hamazon and Krias Shma in Nusach Ashkenaz as well as the Mourner`s Kaddish, traveler`s prayer and prayer for sustenance in Nusach Edos Hamizrach (for Sefardim).
The application comes with the option of giving tzedakah (purchase of iMitzvos). The distribution of received funds takes place under the direction of Rav Ben Tzion Zilber (see