tinana - Physiotherapie APP
The app is free to use for therapists and patients.
To be able to use tinana, you have to create a tinana account by registering with your personal data. If you use tinana as a patient, you need an activation code to unlock the content, which you will receive directly from your physiotherapist. It is currently not possible to use the app without entering the activation code.
video therapy:
Take care of your patients via video consultation if an on-site appointment is not possible. Or use the video call as a flexible supplement. Approved for many remedies since April 1st and fully billable for those with statutory health insurance.
Physiotherapy training at home:
Invite your patients to tinana so they can train at home with the app. The exercise videos automatically adapt to the patient's state of health.
Self-made exercise videos:
Use tinana to personally record exercise videos with the patient's smartphone.
Training Statistics:
The training statistics contain a summary of the training sessions completed by the patient. In this way, the therapist and patient not only keep an overview, but it also motivates them to continue the journey.
We are an experienced team from the fields of physiotherapy, healthcare and software development.
Our vision is to combine digital solutions with on-site treatment so that physiotherapists have more time for their patients and at the same time improve their quality of life.
tinana is approved as a video service provider by the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV) and the Central Association of Health Insurance Companies for use in the healthcare sector. Furthermore, our app is CE-marked according to the European Medical Devices Directive. The certifications guarantee high data protection and medical standards
Our terms and conditions: https://tinana.de/ressources/terms-and-conditions/
You can find our privacy policy here: https://tinana.de/ressources/privacy-policy/
If you have feedback and suggestions, you are always welcome to write to us, simply by email at [email protected]