Timable APP
We cover all happenings in Hong Kong, from popular to indie ones, like festivals, music, arts, exhibitions, family events, etc.
Key features:
- Discover real-time nearby events
- Event of the day, trending events in town
- Search by time, category, location & keyword
- Timable ticketing, ticket hunting guide
- Save to personal calendar
(this app may access your precise location in order to discover surrounding events and guide you to event venues with our dynamic navigating map)
合時行樂,Timable 幫你 "隨時、隨地" 搵嘢玩!
- 發掘現在附近活動
- 每日大事、城中熱門推介
- 時間、分類、地點、關鍵字搜尋
- Timable 票務、撲飛資訊
- 儲存至個人行事曆