The Brief APP
Existing since early 2013, The Brief is an e-magazine with contents and articles written by the editorial team and the staff of the agency on varying topics ranging from the current state of affairs of the agency to personal insight and experience of life and work in and around the agency and the European Institutions.
The Brief is an important channel of the agency that provides content to give a positive impact not only on the image and reputation of the agency but also contributes to a better-informed and more engaged staff.
The Brief can also be accessed on the intranet of the agency. Only staff members of the agency and those who have an EU Login account can access the content of The Brief.
Please consult the Privacy Policy statement in the app.
Found a bug? Or simply praise us? Let us know using the “Send feedback” section within the app.
For any further inquiry, contact the following teams and sectors of the agency: HR, Communication and IT.
At The Brief, we aim to create the best possible reader experience and user interaction for the agency.