Temples Accommodation APP
1. There are 34563 Temples/Notified Institutions present in this state.
• Category/Grade A – There are 205 Notified temples/Institutions whose gross annual income exceeds rupees 25,00,000/-.
• Category/Grade B - There are 193 Notified temples/Institutions whose gross annual income exceeds rupees 5,00,000/- but does not exceed rupees 25,00,000/-.
• Category/Grade C – and 34,165 Notified Institutions whose gross annual income does not exceed rupees 5,00,000/-.
2. Agama Section of Sri Maharaja Sanskrit College, Mysore, Government Sanskrit College Melkote comes under this Department.
3. Karnataka State Choultries at Tirumala, Mantralaya, Srishaila of Andhra Pradesh, Varanasi of Uttar Pradesh State and Thulajapura of Maharashtra State comes under this Department.
The Management and Administration of the temples/Notified Institutions of this State is carried out under the provisions of Karnataka Hindu Religious Institutions and Charitable Endowment ACT 1997 and Rules 2002 and Amendment 12/2012 vide Government Order No Kum E 148/musevi/2011, Dated: 27- 01-2012. Whereas the Management and Administration of the Karnataka State Choultries situated outside the state is carried out under the provisions of Karnataka Choultries Administrative Rules 2010, from Government Order No RD/138/musevi/2009, Dated: 18-11-2010.