Teli APP
This is achieved by a paradigm shift in tally counting. Instead of fixing the counters or groups and then counting or scoring them, Teli allows you to use the basic grouping categories of your choice and then building the counter and scoring it at the same time.
The Chinese character 正 (zheng4) has been chosen as the icon of this app because traditionally it is used to designate tallies in votes, scores etc by Chinese, Japanese, Korean and possibly other cultures as well.
You can use Teli to organize your data into various categories for easier analysis later. Now you can forget about those tally marks on pieces of papers that never make sense.
Doing a survey on the go? Why not pilot test it using Teli? It is so much easier than designing a questionnaire and regretting it later when it doesn't work as planned.
If you were to collect data on gender, business vs law school graduates and securing a job within 2, 4, 6 months of graduation; in an ordinary tally, your list of counters is a long as 12 counters. That's a long list to tally! Using Teli, you only need 7 variables and you can still include additional groups of schools as well as other duration from graduation. Achievable using traditional tally - yes; but definitely not manageable!