Tata Testprep APP
Check out these latest features on the Tata Testprep App:
Prepare for your exam with the best tools and prep material. Our app has some great features to help you with this:
Search Test - Search from our test bank (latest updated tests) on your Android device and download tests as per your requirement. Get topic-wise & section-wise tests along with mock tests according to the latest exam pattern.
Test Generator - Be your own exam setter! Customize your testing experience by exploring the subtopics, selecting and generating tests as per your wish. Keep your preparation under your control. Set the number of questions and other scaling factors.
Challenge Zone - Invite and compete real time with your friends, other online users, avatars and previous toppers. Compare your accuracy, speed and preparation with your opponents in a real-time environment.
In-Depth Analysis - Get in-depth (graphical) analysis of your test attempts. Compare your performance with that of friends. Attempt remedials to improve your weak areas.
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