SuperStep APP
Over 25 brands
Clear and familiar interface
Quick access to different categories and saved models
Endless tape of goods on the showcase
Special offers for app users only
Sale starts earlier than on the site
Notifications about the latest releases and the start of SALE!
SuperStep is the first sneaker project without templates. A unique concept formed around sneakers, not subcultures, where since 2013 the team has been selecting the best models from the collections of world brands.
Adidas, Asics, Converse, Diadora, Dr. Martens, Lacoste, New Balance, Nike, Puma, Reebok, The North Face, Timberland, Tommy Hilfiger, Vans and over 10 brands.
We are here to help you find the right pair for you. It doesn't matter if you move mountains in the office or burn until the morning at a rave near the stage. You go to the theater 2 times a week or sing along with the guitar in a tent by the fire. Give all your strength to the skatepark or discover new countries with friends. You set the direction, and we will support you in any of your undertakings.