You can also use the application to submit additional information to several authorities, for example for an application you have filed. Messages between your device and the servers will be encrypted, ensuring that the use of the app will be reliable and secure.
You can also use the application on behalf of a company if you have the authority to sign for it alone.
When using the application for the first time, the app requires strong authentication with banking IDs or a mobile certificate. After this, you can identify yourself with a PIN code set for the application or fingerprint recognition on your device. However, the application may occasionally direct you to use strong identification again for information security reasons.
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When using the service for the first time, the app requires strong authentication with banking IDs, a mobile certificate or an ID card. After this, all you will need is the PIN code you set for the app.
You can use the app with at most five active devices. You can manage your devices in the app settings. The app can be used by one user at a time on the same phone.
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