About SRX:
SRX is all about making the home seeking and home ownership journey a pleasure. We're building a community that connects home-seekers to their ideal property and helps homeowners manage their most important asset. We provide easy-to-use tools, extensive quality property listings and insightful information to help you find the place you belong.
We've been serving Singapore's real estate industry since 2009, when we first launched our Home Report to help property agents and homeowners establish the price to buy, sell or rent a home. In 2014 we introduced X-Value, allowing anyone to get an accurate estimate of the value of their home instantly online. 1.8 million home reports and 7.0 million X-Value calculations later, we're Singapore's most trusted source of home pricing information.
Members of the Group’s mySG Home community use SRX to connect with their neighbourhood, keep track of the sale and rental value of their home. More than 191,000 Singapore homes are tracked by homeowners and homeseekers on and in the SRX App.
SRX is operated by StreetSine Technology Group, a subsidiary of Singapore Press Holdings, Asia's leading media organisation.