Shuffly - Shuffle for Spotify APP
Why shuffle with Shuffly?
* Shuffle without any bias (just random)!
* Mix multiple playlists and shuffle!
* Mix multiple playlists and shuffle in CAROUSEL!
* Keep the shuffled order of songs as long as you wish!
* Do not worry about Spotify reseting the shuffle before all the songs on the playlist are played!
CAROUSEL: The carousel mix shuffles each playlist so that the tracks of each are played in sequence, as if they were "sole" on a carousel horse. After playing a track of each playlist, the next track is played, and so on. Unselected carousel playlists are part of the "shared horse", meaning they are treated as a single playlist in the carousel (useful for small playlists).
For free, Shuffly can:
* Generate playlists with up to 20 tracks.
* Calculate the approximate duration of the playlist.
* Mix multiple playlists to generate one shuffle.
* Mix multiple playlists to generate one shuffle in CAROUSEL.
* Automatically alerts and ignore duplicated tracks.
* Save your shuffles for reuse later.
With the PRO features Shuffly can:
* Generate shuffled playlists including all tracks from the original playlist.
* Generate shuffled playlists by setting the limit amount of tracks that will be included.
* Update shuffled playlists already generated with new tracks.
* Use without displaying ads.
* Shuffly does not play Spotify songs.
* Only Spotify Premium subscribers will be able to play music in the generated order.