This App is for calculation of setting out of simple curves for curbs and roads

Latest Version

May 6, 2018

App APKs

Set-out Simple Curve APP

Whiles working on a landscape project, I observed the difficulty in computation of curve setting out parameters. The survey assistant had to always extract distances from the CAD software. This took so much, giving the time of the day and day lighting issues and other factors. So, I made my mind this was not going to happen again. A simple calculator for any type of curve to suite different turn radii was to be designed as soon as possible for all future projects. The development of Set-out Simple Curve is highly motivated by the need to reduce the time spent manual extraction and or measurement of curve parameters.

This is a more robust method for simple curves and not transitional curves.
Set-out Simple Curve app allows the user to choose from various vehicle turn radii which was obtained from Neufert (1980, page 436) and simple circular curve formulas from (Raymond and Banister, page 355-356). This is a user-friendly app which the user will find to be handy while setting out curves with tapes on the field.

The user has the option of choosing between setting out from tangents and setting out from the long chord based on a chosen interval – either choice could be convenient depending on accessibility. Enjoy.
Use the data thus generated to set out curves of relatively shorter length.

Bannister, A., Raymond, S., & Baker, R. (1998). Surveying, Harlow.
Ernst, N., Neufert, P., & Neufert, E. (2003). Architects' Data.
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