A RPG game that save the town by guessing numbers. Go ahead the way you believe.

Latest Version

Jul 13, 2024

App APKs

Samurai Kill GAME

"Hit and Blow".
It's a number guessing game .
This app, "Samurai Road" is the samurai-themed number guessing game.
Let's guess the opponent's number and save the town.

1 to 4 players can play it.

[How to play]
step1) At first, you choose 3 numbers from 1 to 5.
step2) Your opponent choose 3 numbers from 1 to 5 too.
step3) You guess your opponent's 3 numbers.
step4) Your opponent check the answer with your guess.
It's a hit if there is the same number in the place of the number you guessed.
It's a blow if the guessed number is not in the same place but is used.
step5) Next your opponent guess your numbers and you check them.
step6) Alternately anticipate, the person who hits every numbers first wins.

for example)
Opponent choose "123".
You guess "145".
Then "1 hit 0 blow".

You guess "315".
Then "0 hit 2 blow".

You guess "123".
Then "3Hit" and you win.
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