Safe Place APP
In Safe Place you will find knowledge and information about how you can feel and react when you are experiencing stressful situations or if you have had such experiences before. It is important to know that Safe Place is not a form of treatment and can not replace a psychological treatment.
Safe Place is a safe space for you who experience or have previously experienced frightening events or strong stress. It is common to feel bad when one is involved in such experiences, also much later. Here you will find exercises that can help you deal with emotions and thoughts in the moment. They can also help in the long run if used regularly. Sometimes more help and support is needed to be able to feel better again and then it is important that you talk to an adult.
In the app you will get:
• Exercises that can calm and help in the moment
• A personal feel good list that can support you in doing things you enjoy
• Feedback on how long you have been using the exercises
• Knowledge and information about how strong experiences and stress can affect the body and mind.
• Support and fellowship with others who use Safe Place