Specially build apps to help rental car owner in managing their cars schedule.

Latest Version

Jun 17, 2023

App APKs

Rental Car Management System APP

Specially build apps to help rental car owner in managing their car schedule.
Please give a feedback or email us at [email protected] for any problem or question related to this apps.

Current status: https://trello.com/b/pAZDzYSW

Current features:
- Add car details
- Edit car details
- Remove car (with remove reason)
- Add a booking
- Edit booking details (except booking time)
- Remove a booking (with remove reason)
- Search a booking by reference number
- View all booking for a car
- Check cars status
- Check booking time for overlapping when entering a new booking
- Three account type: Owner, Runner, and Guest
- Version check each time login (Need to update if the version is not match)

Planned features:
- Show notification at time booking start and end
- See deleted record (Owner only)
- Edit user account details
- Reset user account
- Extend Booking time (for late return car)
- Display time on top of screen

Account Type:
1. Owner:
- Create a company group
- Add, edit and remove car information
- Add, edit and remove booking information
- Can use search

2. Runner:
- Need to join a company group
- Can see car information
- Add, edit and remove booking information
- Can use search

3. Guest:
- Need to join a company group
- Can see car information
- Can see booking information
- Cannot use search

Company :
It is actually a virtual group within the system. The owner can create a company group. All car information will be visible to all user within the same company group. The owner can choose to allow a runner or guest to join your company group.

Format String for Booking Details:
Name:random Guy
Identity Card No:120426047893
Type Of Car:Alza
Pick Up Date/Time:27/7/18-08.00am
Return Date/Time:28/7/18-08.00am
Pick Up Place:Tmn Sri Pulai
Return Place:Tmn Sri Pulai
Phone No:019-1234567
Emergency Contact No:012-345678901

Icon Launcher is generated using Android Asset Studio by Roman Nurik ( romannurik.github.io/AndroidAssetStudio ).
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