RaiseRight Fundraising APP
How It Works:
Buy gift cards from 750+ top brands—you get the full value, and gift cards never expire. Brands give up to 20% of each gift card purchase back to your organization.
Shop online through RaiseRight—browse brands, click through to their websites, and earn by completing purchases.
There’s no limit to how much you can earn, and you can even earn twice in one online purchase if you shop online through RaiseRight and buy a gift card to use as payment. Plus, access exclusive bonuses, seasonal offers, and giveaways to boost your impact.
App Features:
Instant access to eGift cards and reloaded funds in your account Wallet
Scan eGift cards at checkout directly from your phone
Track your earnings over time with your personal dashboard
Share referral links so friends and family can help you earn
And more!
Perfect for Nonprofits: With 25+ years of experience, RaiseRight supports over 50k organizations, including schools, churches, sports teams, and booster clubs. It’s simply the right way to fundraise.
Get Started Today! Discover more at RaiseRight.com
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