Radio Aksh APP
For the first time in the world, a dedicated internet radio channel is being presented for VISUALLY CHALLENGED through “Radio AKSH”
Two social organizations working to serve the visually challenged i.e. – The Blind Relief Association Nagpur and Samadrishti Kshamata Vikas Evam Anusandhan Mandal (SAKSHAM) have joined hands to provide all the contents of every book of their use and interest including academic, literature, music learning, general knowledge, inspiring talks and interviews, news, music, etc.through Radio Aksh.
This internet radio channel will be the first of its kind in India which will engage visually challenged people. Hence you are kindly requested to publicize this channel through social media like Facebook, WhatsApp, etc., email, and phone calls.
We expect you to support us wholeheartedly in our noble mission!!!