Qwertle - a Wordle Game!

Latest Version

Jan 4, 2024

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Qwertle GAME

Qwertle: The daily word game that you never knew you needed until now!
Focusing more on the words, and less on the fluff, Qwertle is a daily wordle style word game that is designed to be your one stop for daily brain stretches.

The game is simple. It's one five letter word, out of the entire English language, and you have to guess it. Yup. Out of all those words, you've only got 6 chances. The good news is, the game gives you some clues to help! So you can sleuth your way to the right answer.

If you get stuck, try a hint! It will help you by highlighting one of the letters you need in order to complete that round.
Also, if you're SOOO CLOSE but need one more try - then take advantage of the extra line feature, for one more shot at the word!

Learning to play is half the fun, so what are you waiting for, let's get to Qwertling!
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