Punctuation Marks APP
The problem is that we have a perfectly good one but people don’t know it – so they write or type a line or two – then have a vague feeling that there should be some sort of mark to indicate some sort of pause – so they do the first thing they can think of – and put in a quick shapeless pen stroke – or tap the hyphen key – and presto the thing is punctuated.
We have all proved that we are quite capable of using very small signs accurately, and we do exactly that every time we type an email address or look up a website. We know we have to miss only one dot, or put a hyphen instead of an underscore, and either the email goes nowhere or we can’t find the site.
Punctuation rules can confuse the best of us. When do we use semicolons? What are the rules for commas? When do we use apostrophes and quotation marks? Use this app to help you! Since proper punctuation is an essential part of successful communication, remembering basic punctuation rules will make it easier for you to write clearly and effectively.
Punctuation consists of both rules and conventions. There are rules of punctuation that have to be followed, but there are also punctuation conventions that give writers greater choice. Punctuation is used to create sense, clarity, and stress in sentences. You use punctuation marks to structure and organize your writing.