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16 lut 2019
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App APKs

Face scanner Lock Screen - iris-eye APP

Important: Please note that this lockscreen will unlock the lockscreen using any human face, it's not used to secure lock the device as an eyes biometric lock !

Using this small lock screen app you'll use the latest face detection technology like the iris scanner technology showing how easy become using the new face landmarks scanner technology approach.

Using the face landmarks detection technology this lock screen will detect and scan if you already holding your device in front of your face and unlock it automatically using the front camera by scanning your eyes, month and different face landmarks.

This is the first step, we'll add more themes, features and fix bugs by the time.
Note that you might notice some battery drain on some device, this is normal because every iris app require front camera/detector to work.

Just send us an email if you find any problems : [email protected]
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