Phone monitoring tool

Latest Version

Jul 22, 2022

App APKs

Phone Monitor APP

Device monitoring application that provides a user with basic information about software and hardware.

There is a number of features included in the initial release of the application:

★ Processor: e.g. CPU information, CPU charts per core, CPU utilisation , architecture and ABI(Android Binary Interface), CPU frequencies

★ Specs: e.g. mobile model, brand, board, boot loader, screen resolution, total ram and internal storage.

★ Software: e.g. android version, API level, kernel architecture, build id

★ Battery: e.g. battery level, battery technology, battery health, battery status and battery temperature.

★ Mobile Sensors: e.g. bluetooth, wifi, gps, microphone, accelerometer, barometer, compass, gyroscope, orientation, pressure, proximity, NFC, temperature, and Gravity.

★ Includes Dashboard for a quick overview of the current state of the device

★ Light and dark themes (default theme derived from the system)
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