Peerfect APP
Yeap, we know, life used to be hard, but not anymore.
Post up to 4 different photos of something you can’t choose between and get instant feedback from a worldwide community! Our system matches you with peers of relevant age and interests, so that they can help you make the right decision. You’ll also be able to pay them back by voting on their polls and earn some Peerpoints by doing that.
Welcome to the world of best decision makers, because more heads always think better than one!
Most people use Peerfect to:
• Choose the best photo/design from a bunch of similar
• Pick the prettiest selfie, portrait or landscape image before posting it to social media
• Rate/rank a couple of photos
• Choose what to wear or buy (test style/outfit options)
• Compare/test a few options
• Create an image poll/survey in everyday situations
• Get honest feedback for everyday decisions