Ôn thi GPLX 600 Câu APP
*** Version for iPhone / iPad on Apple Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/on-thi-giay-phep-lai-xe/id715394226?ls=1&mt=8 ***
The main functions of the application include:
* Random test with thousands of exam questions according to the test structure of the Directorate for Roads of Vietnam Ministry of Transport for driver's licenses B1, B2, C, D, E and F.
• The list of exam questions covers the entire content of 600 questions (the number of questions depends on the driver's license).
• A list of 60 questions on the grade is provided separately.
• Review with list of questions and by question category, answer questions and look at their answers when reviewing the theory test.
• Search question by question content or answer.
• List of questions made wrong to quickly review the theory.
* List of tips for answering theoretical questions for your reference if you want to learn quickly and remember quickly (not recommended).
* List of all signs appear in 600 questions of the exam to help you quickly refer to the signs in case of need.
* Top questions that many people often get wrong help quickly to blame questions that are often wrong.
* Full sign system to help you refer to the signs in road traffic.
* Post-mortem exams as well as photo retouching tips