OLL / PLL Trainer APP
Learn and train 3x3x3 OLL/PLL with simple step-by-step-instructions.
Learn the 3x3x3 OLL/PLL step by step easily with timing, training, OLL/PLL-lists, step-by-step-algorithm-visualization and "Did I do it right ?"-layer orientations.
OLL / PLL Trainer is configurable and specifically designed for speedcubers who are focused on improving their final layer solving times. Easy to use for beginners and extensible for professional users. Thanks to the algorithm rotation, the possibility of coloring layers and storing your own algorithms with terms, it is possible to improve your own solving times quickly and easily.
In addition to detailed lists of OLL / PLL algorithms and many features for already advanced cubers, OLL / PLL Trainer also offers a variety of easy-to-understand step-by-step tutorials for beginners to solve the last layer, in order to become familiar with OLL / PLL, to start and simply to get involved with.
OLL / PLL Trainer simply and slowly helps you to understand and master the depth of the OLL/PLL-rabbit-hole.
Core features:
Timer - Training - Learning - Algorithm Search - OLL/PLL Algorithms - Rotation - Tutorials
More features:
* Timer-Function and -list to keep track of your solving times
* Inspection timer
* Scrambler
* Personal statistics to track you speed improvements
* Training-Function to train your learned OLL/PLL-Layer-Algorithms, including advanced Rotation-Mode and a algorithm-questioning-quiz
* Start quickly a training session for only selected categories
* Grouped and detailed OLL/PLL-List
* Single Algorithm-Information-Site for more details about the algorithm like "step-by-step" algorithm-visualization and "Did I do it right ?"-layer orientations
* Function to mark an algorithm as learned to keep track of your personal state and goal
* Function to mark a category/an algorithm as a favorite, for quickly gain access to it from the main-page
* Unique "Algorithm Rotation", which rotates an algorithm and enables you to learn OLL and PLL from different layer angles/positions
* Algorithm Keyboard, let's you add own multiple algorithms to oll/pll layers
* Different algorithm notation types, like M' or r R'
* Homescreen-Shortcut for a quick access
* Functionality to add own algorithms
* Colorization of layers for a specialized recorgnition
* Colorized parentheses for a better recognition
* Replace pattern for parts of algorithms for better recognition, e.g. F R F' ( CAR ) F R F'
* Tutorials for beginners: Last Layer with only three algorithms and 2-Look-OLL/PLL
* Algorithm-Search
Used permissions:
... used to display commercial banners and to handle in-app purchases.
... used to add/install icon to your homescreen for a quick access to different areas of oll/pll trainer.
... used to keep the screen alive in several parts of the app, like e.g. timer, training-mode.