We deliver parcels globally to help our customers with shipping needs.

Latest Version

Dec 8, 2022
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NewPost APP

Send personal belongings, specialty items, household goods and much more safely and securely to families and friends who are an ocean away. With an app, you can achieve more.
At NewPost, we deliver parcels globally to help our customers with shipping needs. We currently serve the US to Yemen and Oman routes with our headquarter in NYC and multiple locations nationwide. We appreciate being your trusted parcel delivery provider because we enjoy helping you reach your family and friends with our personalized delivery services and your support helps us continue our offering for more families in the community.
No need to wait in line. We are available 24/7. Schedule a pickup instantly. Send us a request and we can schedule to pick up the parcel from your doorstep.
No need to handle cash. Put in your parcel number and the payment process will also be a click away.
No need to worry about item safety. We take great care of each and every item and provide insurance options. Use your tracking number to find out when the parcels will arrive.
Log in and sign up.
Pack up and ship.
Click and track.
Send and smile.
Your trusted parcel delivery service,
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