Network Toolkit APP
Check the status of your Android device's network connections
- View details about the network connections (where available)
Scan the surrounding for WiFi broadcasts (WiFi Scanner)
- Identify if associated (signal strength icon will be green if connected, blue otherwise)
- Identify broadcasting channel and frequency
- Display base station Manufacturer's Name and Country (require Internet access)
- If connected, view local IP address information
- If connected, view router's Manufacturer's Name and Country (require Internet access)
- Copy discovered information to clipboard or other applications
- Disable MAC Manufacturer lookup where performance is impacted (settings)
Calculate IP address sizes (Subnet Calculator)
- Auto populates device's IP address if connected to a WiFi network
- Support all IP subnet sizes (calculation ability hardware dependant)
- Check if a second IP subnet is a subset (is contained) of the first
- Copy information to clipboard or other applications
User customisation of App colour scheme
- 4 schemes available
User customisation of App start-up feature