MySunset APP
There are two methods to view sunrise/sunset data:
1 - An interactive map with an overlay showing the forecasted quality of upcoming sunrises and sunsets. By default, your current location is shown on the map. On this screen, you can toggle between sunrise and sunset, change the date, move the map around, and zoom in and out of the map.
2 - The second screen is a table showing a list of custom locations. Each location displays a forecast percentage, a corresponding color representing the quality of the sunrise/sunset, and the time of the sunrise/sunset. Add as many custom locations as desired.
Tap on a day to view weather data for that sunrise/sunset. Even if the sunrise/sunset isn't great, this data is meant to assist in accomplishing your unique artistic goals.
Current location:
- % cloud cover
- % chance of precipitation
- Humidity
- Wind speed
- Temperature
50 km (30 miles) East/West:
- % cloud cover
- % chance of precipitation
150 km (90 miles) East/West:
- % cloud cover
- % chance of precipitation
Tap the three dots to open more options:
- "View on Map" will open the location on the Map screen
- "Configure Alerts" allows you to receive push notifications when an upcoming sunrise or sunset is predicted to be colorful. In-app purchase required.