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Find home tutor and online tutor jobs for home tuitions and online tuitions - in hyderabad, bangalore, chennai, pune, mumbai, kolkata, delhi all over india
I-X th Class - STATE, CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE, ISC, IB syllabus for Maths, science, English, Hindi, French, Sanskrit, social, computers all subjects
XI - XII th class - STATE,CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE, ISC, IB syllabus – Maths, physics, chemistry, Botany, zoology, economics, accounts, commerce, Computers
Engineering Entrence Exams - EMCET, AIEEE, IITJEE, BITSAT etc engineering/medical entrance tests – Maths, physics, chemistry, Botany, zoology
Engineering - BE/BTech/Mtech Engineering all Branches all subjects (ECE, CSE, Mechanical, Civil, EEE, IT, etc..)
Degree and PG - B.Sc / Msc (MPC , BZC) Maths, physics, chemistry, Botany, zoology
Accounts & Mangamement - B.Com, CA, CPT,I CWA, MBA All Subjects Etc…
Spoken & academic indian & forgien languges - English, Hindi, French, German, Spanish, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Gujaraji, Bengali etc..