MyMarietta APP
The app provides the latest news and events from Marietta City Hall and lets you easily submit Citizen Requests directly to city government.
Use Citizen Requests to report non-emergency issues within Marietta's city limits that require attention from the city, such as potholes, graffiti, malfunctioning traffic lights, etc.
Marietta Power & Water customers can access their account 24-hours a day to view balance and payment history. Easily contact Marietta Power & Water right in the app.
View up-to-date map data provided directly from the city to view parcel information, zoning, parking, parks & recreation facilities and more.
Never miss a meeting... Watch a complete library of videos from council and board meetings to community events on-demand.
Chatbot - Use the A.I. chatbot to answer simple questions about the city.
Download and install the MyMarietta app today to stay connected with your community and help keep Marietta clean, efficient and safe.