MyChubb APP
In addition to the above mentioned MyChubb ready to serve customers in Clemson dry. Customers simply drive the car to a repair center. App launch applications. And the claim immediately, without the need to call into question the company. Do not waste time waiting for any appointment. The customer will be approved claim. And evidence has been obtained through the system if there is no customer service center repairs. MyChubb be able to check the car repair centers. Wuxi in Wuxi and in To choose After deciding that the customer service center repaired. The system will facilitate the travel information. The telephone number to the customer service center to repair it immediately.
Highlights of MyChubb is to help customers to be able to bring the car back to the damage as soon as possible. And to reduce the time And the cost of claims of clients. As well as increasing the capacity of the service to the cause of satisfaction. The maximum benefit to customers, and of course MyChubb application is available that allows the car to the customer's comfort.