My Pol APP
The application is available in all regions of Ukraine except temporarily occupied territories of Luhansk, Donetsk and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
Mobile app users can:
• quickly call the patrol police by pressing the "SOS" button on their mobile device display;
• evaluate the work of police officers using their badge number;
• communicate with the police;
• find the nearest police and medical offices;
• receive current news from the police.
Required permissions:
• The directly call phone numbers permission is required for making calls in cases where a user can’t send the SOS command via SMS or Internet using the corresponding button. In these situations, the app automatically makes a call. The read phone status and identity permission is required for blocking the mobile app if a user often makes fake requests.
• Access to device location is required for identifying your location when sending an SOS call, assessing a policeman, determining your region;
• The Sending and Receiving SMS messages permission is required for sending the SOS command via SMS in cases where a user can’t send this command via the Internet using the corresponding app button.
• Access to photos, multimedia content, and files on a mobile device is required for adding photos to your profile and SOS call;
• The read\write your contact permission is required for setting a phone contact in the user list of contacts.