Pharmacies available in Ile-de-France, day care and night.

Latest Version

Jul 17, 2024

App APKs

Mon Pharmacien APP

"Mon Pharmacien" is the first mobile application providing official information on pharmacies accessible in Ile-de-France, during the day, on call (Sundays and public holidays) and emergency at night.

The application covers the whole of the island of France (Yvelines 78, Paris 75, Seine-et-Marne 77, Essonne 91, Hauts-de-Seine 92, Seine-Saint-Denis 93, Val-de-Marne 94 and the Val d'Oise 95).

New: Access to the guards of the departments of Charente (16), La Haute Corse (2B), Loire (42) and Deux-sèvres (79).

With the MyPharmacist application, you can search on weekdays, Sundays and public holidays, the pharmacies available around the desired location. You can thus identify the pharmacy closest to you and easily find the best route to get there. At night, pharmacies 24/24 are directly accessible (example: Paris). Everywhere else, the contact details of the emergency pharmacy will be communicated to you by the local police or gendarmerie.
MonPharmacien is the result of a collaboration between the Regional Health Agency (ARS) Île-de-France and the Regional Union of Health Professionals (URPS) Pharmacists Île-de-France. The mobile application reflects their commitment and that of pharmacist unions to guarantee reliable and accessible information to all Ile-de-France residents.

Do not hesitate to contact us in case of bugs ([email protected])

This is a "Made in France" application
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