The Meu Super App provides discounts and exclusive offers.

Latest Version

Oct 23, 2024

App APKs

Meu Super APP

Here you have access to exclusive discounts, personalized offers and recommended products according to your consumption profile, as well as a shopping list tool and store locator. Everything within reach of your cell phone.

* Take a look at the full list of features: *

Showcase of offers among the items you usually buy, here appear those that are on sale in our physical stores, not to mention a list of recommended items based on your preferences

Discount Voucher We offer in-app vauches for you to present at the checkout and pay for your purchases on the spot.

Bonus Club you accumulate bonuses with each purchase made and these bonuses can be exchanged for vouchers purchased at our Physical stores

Find a Store with the location of your smartphone enabled, we show the units of our stores closest to you, to facilitate your shopping routine

Download the Meu Super app now, and buy more easily and economically
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