Metabot APP
The application should work on android 2.3.7 and above, but having a multitouch screen can be quite important.
For more information, visit
If you have any issue or remark, contact us via [email protected]
_______________ ChangeLog _______________
Open Beta:
Version 1.1.0
• Favorite devices
• Dropping support for Android < 4.0. Creating a legacy version which won't be updated
• Tagging devices which are likely to be Metabots (V1 or V2) thanks to their mac address
• Automatic language detection (french and english)
• Visible scroll bars
• Fixed a bug causing a temporary buffer overflow on the Metabot
• New app icon
• Needed to add coarse location permission for bluetooth discovery (android > 6.0)
Version 1.0.2
• This version add the visualization of the firmware robot version, and tells the user if it doesn't allow all the features of the mobile app.
• Increasing old devices fluidity
Version 1.0.1
• This version add a screen with some informations about the app and the metabot project and removes the permissions associated with the Wifi, which were useless.
• You can now check the parameters of a position before loading it in the Sliders menu
• Some minor improvements and corrections.
Version 1.0.0
This is the first version of the app which is available on the store, it allows you to:
• Connect easily to any Metabot, and again more easily to the last robot you used
• Use the "Classic" layout, which allows you to:
⋅ Move your robot on x and y axis
⋅ Make your robot turn on itself
⋅ Use the 4 custom positions to be defined in the "Robot settings" layout
• Use the "Robot settings" layout which allows you to:
⋅ Move your robot on the x axis
⋅ Make your robot turn on itself
⋅ Save and load the 4 custom positions
⋅ Toggle back the legs of the robot
⋅ Modify the robot's height
⋅ Modify the robot's mapping
⋅ Modify the robot's altitude
⋅ Modify the robot's crab level
⋅ Modify the robot's legs radius
⋅ Modify the robot's frequency
• Use the "Motion" layout which allows you to:
⋅ Move your robot on the x axis using your device's accelerometer
⋅ Make your robot turn on itself using your device's accelerometer
⋅ Use the 4 custom positions to be defined in the "Robot settings" layout
• Use the "Actions" layout which allows you to:
⋅ Move your robot on the x axis
⋅ Make your robot turn on itself
⋅ Start a behavior inside the robot
⋅ Pause a behavior inside the robot
⋅ Stop a behavior inside the robot
• Use the application in 3 different languages
⋅ French
⋅ English
⋅ Klingon