MeMinder 4.0 APP
MeMinder 4 users can receive daily task items on their device in four different formats: recorded-audio tasks, spoken-text tasks, image-only tasks, video tasks, and step-by-step sequence tasks. This allows them the ability to:
- Receive instructions to best serve their level of disability.
- Receive instruction customized to the level of task complexity.
- Fade from human supports and increase independence.
- Receive instructions without internet service.
The MeMinder 4 app works seamlessly with the CreateAbility secure cloud. This enables caregivers, parents, teachers, direct support professionals, Vocational Rehabilitation counselors, job coaches and bosses the ability to:
- Create custom tasks for each user they manage, all within the app - to be stored in the cloud and automatically download to the user's MeMinder.
- Modify any of their managed user's tasks within the app, delete unneded tasks, and shuffle the task order.
- Respectfully and non-intrusively monitor achievements and setbacks of user.
- Extract data necessary for reporting.