Member Tools APP
•Messages. View messages with important updates or actions needed.
•Directory. View contact information and photos of members in your ward and stake.
•Organizations. View ward and stake callings by organization.
•Calendar. View event calendars for your ward and stake.
•Reports. Ward and stake leaders can access membership reports for members of their ward and stake.
•Manage Records. Bishops, branch presidents, and clerks can move records and record ordinances.
•Lists. Create custom lists of members in your ward and stake.
•Missionary. Access contact information for the full-time missionaries assigned to and serving from your ward or stake.
•Temples. View your assigned temple, temples nearest your current location, ordinance schedules, and temple recommend expiration reminders.
•Meetinghouses. Find meetinghouse locations and addresses, sacrament meeting times, and contact information for bishops.
•Finance. Organization presidencies can submit payment requests.