MEDD Mobile Application APP
Medical Education and Drugs Department came into existance on 1st September 1982, from former Urban Development and Public Health Department.
These aims are achieved by the department through following authorities.
- Director of Medical Education & Research
- Director of Ayurved
- Commissioner of Food & Drugs Administration
- Managing Director of Haffkine Bio-Pharmaceutical Corporation Limited
- Director of Haffkine Institute for Training, Research and Testing
- Director Professor of Maharshtra Mental Health Institute
To bring awareness about the department and their activities among citizens of Maharashtra as well as students, patients,officials who participate in activities, MEDD Maharashtra has come up with a Citizen Connect Mobile Application that will bring the all the information related to MEDD on smartphone for users to access anywhere, anytime. This application will provide informative PDFs for the below :
- Department and their various welfare initiatives.
- Hospitals, Colleges, etc
- Other Information