Explanations of medical conditions, symptoms, and treatments

Latest Version

Feb 2, 2025
Google Play ID

App APKs

Manual MSD público general APP

*** Downloading this app is a 2-step process: the first step is the download of the app template, and the second step is the full download of the app content. This can take 5-10 minutes on Wi-Fi on 64-bit devices. 32-bit devices may take longer. Do not exit the app until both steps are complete. ***

Developed especially for patients, caregivers, and family members, this version of the MSD Manual medical information app is created just for you. Now with many new features and improvements, the MSD Manual Consumer app is written in a common language. This customer version offers clear, actionable explanations of thousands of medical conditions, including symptoms and what doctors do to diagnose and treat medical conditions.

Medical information from the trusted MSD Manual Consumer app, for on-the-go access, offers:
• Medical and health information written and regularly updated by more than 350 medical experts
• Searchable topics by symptom, diagnosis, or treatment, all written in easy-to-understand language
• Photos and illustrations of thousands of disorders and diseases
• Animations that visually show diseases and treatments
• Interactive quizzes* to assess knowledge on health topics
• Medical news and commentary* covering the most current and important health topics
• Editorials* written by top medical experts
• Self-assessments* to monitor your health and fitness

*Internet access is required.

About MSD Manuals
Our mission is simple:
We believe that medical information is a universal right and that everyone has the right to obtain accurate, accessible and usable medical information. We have a responsibility to protect, preserve, and share the best current medical information to enable more informed decisions, improve relationships between patients and professionals, and improve health care outcomes around the world.
That is why we make the MSD Manuals available to professionals and patients around the world free of charge and in digital format. There is no registration or subscription required, and there are no ads.

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For more detailed information, please read the End User License Agreement at
For more information about our privacy practices, please see our privacy commitment at https://www.msdprivacy.com

Adverse Event Reporting: To report an adverse event for a specific MSD product, contact the National Service Center at 1-800-672-6372. Countries outside of the United States may have specific procedures for handling reports of adverse events. For more information, contact your local MSD office or local health authority.

If you have questions or need help with the app, please contact [email protected]
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