Language Enabler APP
Many carriers and resellers sell their Android devices with restricted language list to be used on some regions, This application helps you activate all supported locales if you import such device to a different country/region.
Language Enabler activates supported languages and keyboard inputs.
If you are familiar with Android developments tools, then you can grant the required permission using Android development tools:
adb -d shell pm grant com.wanam android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION
If your device is rooted then Language Enabler will request your permission to automatically handle it for you.
This application supports all Android supported languages / locales: Arabic, Chinese, Indian, Spanish, French, Hebrew, Farsi... عربية، عبرية، فارسية.
There are some devices variants (US,Chinese) that remove completely all unused languages, sadly there is no much thing we can do in this case.
Please contact us if you need any help.