Get quick access to statewide weather observations from the Kentucky Mesonet.

Latest Version

Aug 5, 2024
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KY Mesonet APP

Dear Kentucky Mesonet app users,

We are excited to announce that the latest update to our app includes the addition of site camera images. These images are exclusively available on the Kentucky Mesonet app now, providing a unique view of the weather conditions at each monitoring site.

With the site camera images, you can see real-time visual updates on the weather at locations across Kentucky. This feature is in addition to our existing data, which provides a wealth of information on temperature, wind speed, precipitation, and more.

We hope the site camera images will enhance your experience with the Kentucky Mesonet app and provide even more valuable information on the weather in your area. Thank you for using the Kentucky Mesonet app.

Best regards,
The Kentucky Mesonet team

As the official source for weather and climate data in the Commonwealth, the Kentucky Mesonet provides real-time weather information from its network of stations across the state.

App Features:

• Weather data update every 5 minutes, including air temperature, solar radiation, rainfall, and wind speed and direction.
• Use your phone’s built-in location services to determine the closest Kentucky Mesonet station or select a default station.
• Toggle between metric and standard units.
• See forecast information provided by the National Weather Service for the next 48-hours at each location.


The Kentucky Mesonet is a network of automated weather monitoring stations developed and operated by the Kentucky Climate Center at Western Kentucky University to serve diverse needs in communities across Kentucky.
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