Koinonia Christian Church APP
Through the KCC app you can:
- Watch weekly sermons from Dr. Ronnie Goines
- Watch special performances from our Yadah and Drama ministries
- Stay connected with events and news at KCC
- Be a cheerful giver and easily give with text or online giving
- Live stream Sunday worship & Bible Study with our new streaming experience
- Share content with your friends and family via Twitter, Facebook or Email
There's much more to come to the app so stay tuned.
At Koinonia Christian Church we believe in fellowship, prayer, stewardship and "saving the lost and discipling the saved".
For more information about Koinonia Christian Church, please visit:
The Koinonia Christian Church app was developed with the Subsplash App Platform.
App: © 2016 Subsplash, Content: © 2016 Koinonia Christian Church